Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Video time!

My wife came home from work yesterday with a brand new Flip camera! The librarian at her school wrote a grant and got every teacher in the school a free Flip. I was told that I could try it out, so watch out, the paparazzi is on the prowl.


klineola said...

Will you be a papa-razzi or a potta-razzi! ;-) or both!!

Maybe it's time for me to come down for lunch and interview you over some ribs?!

Ron said...

Right on!! Let us know how you like it. Look forward to some videos. Doe's it have a place to connect a tripod?

ang design said...

yey!!!! i love my flip!! have fun..

Kyle Carpenter said...

Yes tripod thread is there. Also, the grant gave them rechargeable batteries rather than standard AA. You just charge via USB on your computer.