After an evening of making pots, I like to crack open a Red Hook Mud Slinger. Actually, this is the first time I've had one. It's delicious.
This week I've been making more pots than usual due to the snow days. My wife teaches 2nd grade and when she's off, she watches the kids and I get to have some studio time. I've been working somewhat big this week. Fifteen pound planters and fourteen pound vases, mainly. I'll soon transition into medium size pots, then smaller functional work like cups and bowls.
I'm eagerly awaiting a new salt kiln to be built in February. The planters I've been making will be in the first firing, seeing how it won't be seasoned and the results may not be great. These planters probably wont be decorated, just slipped. More on the kiln later. ETSY is still going alright. A cup here, a cup there. I'm hoping to add some more to the shop next week.
This weekend I'm headed to Cameron Indoor Stadium, in Durham, NC, for a Duke basketball game. It should be fun. I love ACC basketball. So, later, peeps.
1 comment:
Its freezing here and I have say..that mug slinger looks pretty good. I'll have to tell my husband about that one!
Good luck with all the clay..
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