Friday, January 30, 2009

500 Vases: My Entries

Yesterday, I dropped off my 500 Vases entry at Lark Books in Asheville. I've slacked over the years with trying to get my work in books. I think that I was never satisfied with the quality of my images. A couple of years ago, I decided to get rid of my crappy photo booth and go to Tim Barnwell Studio Photography and never looked back. High quality pictures are so worth the money. Anyway, here's the three pots I entered for consideration for the book. These were all made last year and once-fired in my salt kiln. Deadline for your entry is Feb 2. Go do it!

Stoneware, covered in Helmer slip, underglaze/glaze decoration, glass runs

stoneware, covered in Tile 6 slip, underglaze decoration wth scraffito

stoneware, covered in Helmer slip, underglaze decoration, handpainted birds

Monday, January 26, 2009

Decorating in the basement studio.

Bird cups.

Turnin' and Burnin'

India'S Caste System
Indian potter of the subcaste Vaisya, smoking a hooka pipe
as he works at potter's wheel making hooka bases.
Location: Thaal, India
Date taken: 1946
Photographer: Margaret Bourke-White
I found this photo on Google images LIFE. Some cool images to check out. Well, I've gotten back into the swing of things, making and decorating new pots. I need to fire the kiln and get a commission shipped out. I recently had my neighbor, Heinz Kossler, make some large terra cotta tiles for me. I've been decorating them here and there. I'm hoping to have them hanging on the walls at my Mudfire solo show in March. We'll see if I can get them finished. I'd also like to make some terra cotta pots for the show too. More on that later. There decisions to be made on that.....decoration/glaze/etc. It might not even happen. Anyway, I'll post some images of everything soon. Cheers.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

500 Vases Call for Entries

My possible submission: Squared Vase, 100% Tile 6 slip, Salt-fired
In case you didn't know, there's an upcoming book that needs your entries (if you're a potter).
From the Lark Books website:
500 Vases Juror: Julia GallowayEditor: Suzanne TourtillottEntry deadline: February 2, 2009Lark Books seeks high-quality, one-of-a-kind images of ceramic vases to publish in a juried collection of works from around the world. We will consider both functional and decorative submissions as well as diverse designs, materials, and techniques ranging in style from traditional to modern. We accept high-quality transparencies, 35-mm slides, and high-resolution digital images. 500 Vases, to be released in the spring of 2010, aims to be an inspiring collection for beginning and professional ceramics workers, as well as collectors and enthusiasts. There is no entry fee.

Good Luck!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to work

Back to work.Mudfire solo show March 7. I need 100+ pots to fill the space. I threw some mugs and lidded jars for starters. mobile blogging makes things downloading from camera. i like it!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Carpenter pots in Chi-town

Terra Incognito Studios and Gallery is hosting a "January Invitational" pottery exhibit. The opening is this saturday from 3-6pm. If there's anyone in the Chicago area this month, go check out the show. I have sent thirteen pieces and am excited to be a part of the show.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New year's Resolution

I will post more this year.
Here's Coleman with a baby mug made by MarkShapiro.