Sunday, January 23, 2011


The salt kiln was demolished today. It served me well for a good eight years. Due to structural problems, it was time to take her down. A big thanks to Shane Mickey, from Bakersville, for his expertise with a mallet. Shane has designed a new kiln replacement kiln for me. I'm switching to a sprung arch cross draft for better stacking space. Will Baker, also from Bakersville, is constructing the kiln, using Shane's design, in early February. He recently rebuilt Odyssey School's salt kiln, in Asheville. I must say that I was very impressed.

So, I'm sure some are thinking, "Why not build it yourself?"

Well, I have no time. I watch my kids during the day, and make pots at night. I need to make pots. Also, I can expense the labor. Third, and this should possibly be first, Shane and Will are much better at kiln building than I am. That's just a fact.

So, I'll be posting some pics of the rebuild as it happens. Stay tuned!

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